pühapäev, 2. detsember 2007

Juhuks kui mõni ei saanud Kristjani maili...

Mart Kalmu korraldamisel on Eestisse tulemas tõeline disainiguru, disainiuurimise ja sellest kirjutamise leiutaja Victor Margolin, kes on praegu Illinoisi ülikooli kunsti- ja disainiajaloo professor.
Kursus toimub E-R 07.-11. 01. 2008, kell 10:00, ruumis 201
Mis ime läbi niisugune mees siia tuuakse, ei oska aimata. Igatahes on tema loengute kuulamine meie tudengitele praktiliselt kohustuslik ning kel pea vähegi võtab, peaks ka lugemise-kirjutamise kaasa tegema. Valikaine peaksite jaanuaris niikuinii võtma ja kui veel sellist pakutakse..!


January 7: Design Studies and Design Research: Problems and Definitions

    Lecture: Introduction to the course; relations between the lectures, building a model of design theory; mapping the field

Readings: Design History and Design Studies (Politics of the Artificial)

The Multiple Tasks of Design Studies (Politics of the Artificial)

January 8: Design its Social Context

Lecture: The Product Milieu

Readings: Design at the Crossroads (The Politics of the Artificial)

The Experience of Products (The Politics of the Artificial)

January 9: Design History

Lecture: The idea of a World History of Design

    Readings: Design History in the United States 1997-2000

    (The Politics of the Artificial 126 – 185)

Narrative Problems of Design History (The Politics of the Artificial)

January 10: Independent Reading

The Politics of the Artificial (The Politics of the Artificial)

The Two Herberts (The Politics of the Artificial)

January 11: Presentations and Conclusion

NB! Osalejad varustatakse vajalike artiklite eestikeelsete tõlgetega, sest EKA annab varsti välja tema kogumiku.

1 kommentaar:

DanielViverridae ütles ...

Tundub olema põnev. Regamiseks peab vist kuhugi seinale nimetähed jätma taas?